Russell Brunson's Unbreakable Challenge Special Offer

Are You Ready To Launch Your First Funnel?

“If You Say Maybe I Will Give You Over $7,748 Worth Of Step-By-Step Funnel Building Secrets For FREE So You Can Finally…

Build & Launch
Your First Funnel!

YFF New Headline Jan23 Red png

When You Get Started TODAY! You Will Get EVERYTHING You Need to Build and Launch Your First Funnel - With LIVE Coaching & Accountability - FOR FREE!

When You Get Started TODAY! You Will Get EVERYTHING You Need to Build and Launch Your First Funnel - With LIVE Coaching & Accountability - FOR FREE!

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All You Have To Do Is Say “MAYBE”

And The Gift Is Yours…For FREE!

(Just Cover $29.95 For Printing, Shipping, & Handling)

 Urgent Message

From: Russell Brunson, Co-Founder of ClickFunnels
Location: Boise, Idaho
Time: 2:15 AM, the loopy hour when I make the craziest offers imaginable...

Dear friend:


If you want to finally build and launch your first funnel... where you can begin to generate hundreds (if not thousands) of leads that turn into sales... then this letter will show you how.

Here’s the deal:

I’m looking for folks who have NOT built and launched a sales funnel using ClickFunnels...

OR people that had a ClickFunnels account at one point but canceled before launching their first funnel.

Today, I’m Going To GIVE YOU A 99.99% “Done-For-You” Sales Funnel...

Today, I’m Going To GIVE YOU A 99.99% “Done-For-You” Sales Funnel...


But That’s Not All...

To ensure your success... and to give you the biggest leg-up possible with your first sales funnel...

I’m going to GIVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED to finally build and launch your first funnel... including over $7,748 worth of step-by-step funnel building instructions and marketing secrets...


Absolutely FREE!

Yep, it’s true.

And if you’re still wondering if this is right for you, I want to make this crystal clear...

  • ​It doesn’t matter if you’ve never made a SINGLE DIME online as yet...
  • ​​It doesn’t matter if you’re not 100% sure “what” you want to sell... (this is actually a good thing, and you’ll see why in a sec...)
  • ​​It doesn’t matter if you feel you don’t have all of the resources... (again, I’m going to give you everything you need)
  • ​​It doesn’t matter if you’ve never written a single word of copy... never designed an online page in your life...
  • ​And it DEFINITELY doesn’t matter if you’re not “tech-savvy” (if you can point & click, then you’re already way ahead of the game).

In just a moment, I’m going to “demystify” everything you’ve been told about building a thriving online business with just one word...

As well as show you, step-by-step, how to build & launch your first funnel without second-guessing yourself... getting “lost” or stuck...

And without dealing with the dreaded “analysis paralysis” (which we all do, but I’ll show you my sneaky tactic that can DESTROY those awful feelings in seconds).

Now, You Might Be Wondering...

“Why on earth is Russell Brunson being so darn generous... and doing all of this for me today... and for free?!


Well, there’s no point in sugar-coating it...

Quite simply, I want you to get off the sidelines and

Get In The Game!


Because if you’re here right now, I know it’s because of one of two reasons:

  • Reason #1—

    But really... the truth is... you may feel just a tad bit “silly” about your idea, or worried about what others will think of you if your idea fails... you’ve been wanting to try your hand at this online business thing... maybe to sell your cool new idea... or provide a service, so you can have more freedom to do what you want when you want it...

    But maybe you haven’t pulled the trigger yet because you’re still “strategizing”...

    You’re sitting back trying to make sure you have all of the right moves in your head BEFORE you start building.
  • Reason #2 — you DID try your hand on this online business thing... and maybe even had a ClickFunnels account at some point... but for whatever reason... it just didn’t “pan-out” as you would have hoped...

    Maybe you even invested countless hours... drained your savings... and POURED YOUR SOUL into your project, but it all fell apart and the idea of going back and trying again churns all those feelings of failure like dropping an anxiety bomb in your gut...

Listen, You Are Absolutely Not Alone.

I Know How FREAKING TOUGH This Online Business Stuff Can Be...

And that’s why it’s fate you’re here today...

Now, in case you don’t know who I am, my name’s Russell Brunson, and I’m one of the co-founders of ClickFunnels.

And my personal mission is to help entrepreneurs, like yourself, break free from the “blocks” that stop you from building your online business and achieving the life you want, the life you deserve.

To date, ClickFunnels has helped over 100,000 (and counting) entrepreneurs worldwide build & launch their sales funnels using our easy-to-use software.


Our sales funnels have since processed over $13 BILLION dollars in transactions...

And Have Changed MILLIONS Of Lives!

Now, those numbers may sound amazing, but if you haven’t built & launched your first funnel as yet... it can feel a bit daunting...

Maybe even a little frustrating, especially if you’ve attempted to figure out this “online marketing” but you felt overwhelmed...

Turns Out, You Weren’t The Only One...

See— I was trying to figure out the COMMON DENOMINATOR among the most successful ClickFunnels users...

I asked myself this one question:

What’s the difference between someone who is successful with ClickFunnels,

versus someone who is not...?”


For weeks, I was holed-up in my office like a nut, and all I did was review all the top-performing online funnels in EVERY niche possible...

  • ​Ecomm...
  • ​High-ticket webinar...
  • ​Supplements...
  • ​Fitness coaching...
  • ​Business coaching...
  • ​​Digital products...

You name it, my eyes were on it.

I was analyzing sales funnels like an old timey football coach obsessed with watching and re-watching “game tape,” figuring out the plays, what worked, what didn’t...

And that’s when I noticed a pattern among our most successful entrepreneurs...

It all came down to one word...

In other words...

  • ​It didn’t matter if a funnel was “ugly” or had crappy copy...
  • ​It didn’t matter if a funnel didn’t bring in a single lead at first...
  • ​And it didn’t matter if a funnel made zero sales...

The one common theme among our most successful online business owners using ClickFunnels was that...

...They ALL Built And Launched Their First Funnel.


Each one of these 2-Comma Award Winners had a “first funnel” and it’s almost a requirement for it to be crappy with poor design and bad copy...

It did not matter one bit. Why?

Because They Did It.

And guess what happened next?

They built another funnel...

Then another...

And another.

Their Confidence In Building Funnels Increased Every Time They Sat Their Butt Down In The Chair And STARTED!

As for myself, I have probably built at LEAST 1,000+ funnels.

And even though I’m the “Funnel Guy,” not all of those funnels were a success.

But little by little, I became better and better at building and launching funnels... (even when my grammer and speling waz bad... i did knot care).


Because here’s the deal— the ONLY way to get anywhere in this crazy online business world is to fail... fail hard... and get back up KNOWING you’ll fail again.

But You Can’t FAIL If You Don’t “Get In The Game.”

So if you’ve NEVER built a sales funnel, or never got around to “launching” a funnel... or you started and then stopped...

Then You’re In The Right Place.

Because my team and I will hold you by the hand, and walk you through each step of building & launching your first funnel, so you can finally achieve the online success you’ve been dreaming of...

But in order for that to happen, I need you to get off the sidelines, suit-up, and...

“Get In The Game!”

Now— in order to “get in the game,” you do need some tools, or else it makes playing the game a little confusing, and we don’t want any of that...

That’s why I pulled together ALL of the tools you’ll need so you can build & launch your first sales funnel without stalling...

Plus, because I want to do everything in my power so you can experience the success of launching your first funnel,and all of the joys that come with it...


I’m not going to make you pay the high price tag that normally comes with “getting in the game”...

Like I said earlier, I’m going to GIVE YOU everything, including over $7,748 worth in marketing secrets... to build & launch your very first funnel... for FREE!

All I ask is that you cover the printing, shipping, and handling costs so we can send you all of the physical goodies (plus extra surprises... shhhh it’s a secret)... sound fair?

Cool, now, with that being said...

Here’s Everything You Get To Help You Build & Launch

“Your First Funnel”

When You Sign Up Today…For FREE!

Just Say “Maybe” Today And You’ll Receive:


FREE 30-DAY Trial
Of ClickFunnels

That’s right.

Instead of the 14-day free trial we normally give out, I’m going to give you a FULL 30 days... 4 whole weeks... one entire month... (which is a whopping 730 hours...) of ClickFunnels... FOR FREE!

This allows you to get comfortable with the software, build your funnel, and then launch your funnel... without giving me a single penny!

Nowhere else will you be able to find this type of “all-in-one” online business builder for an entire month. (Not to mention, other softwares out there takes AT LEAST a month just to get used to the dashboard... yikes.)

When you sign up today, you get immediate access to ClickFunnels where you’ll be able to...

  • ​Build, design, and launch your funnel in a matter of hours (without writing a single line of code or hiring an expensive copywriter, designer, or tech person...)
  • ​Run traffic to a proven, winning sales funnel that turns WHITE HOT LEADS into raving fans that want to buy whatever it is you’re sellin’!
  • ​And create MASSIVE lists of customers that continue to buy from you every time you put out a new offer

Now, This 30-Day Free Trial Is Worth It All By Itself, But Guess What...?

We Just Barely Got Started...

Because, like I said earlier, when you sign up for the free, 30-day trial of ClickFunnels, you immediately unlock the most incredible free gift ever!

Which includes over $7,748 worth of ‘marketing secrets’ that will help “kick-start” your first funnel for the highest chances of success!

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All You Have To Do Is Say “MAYBE”

And The Gift Is Yours…For FREE!

(Just Cover $29.95 For Printing, Shipping, & Handling)

These Business Owners Were Once Lost, Stuck, Or Afraid To Launch Their First Funnel... Until They DID IT!

(And Now It’s YOUR Turn!)


Natalie Hodson
Info Products


Jaime Cross


Garrett White


Sarah Wells


Mindy & Mandy
Network Marketing


Yanni Fikaris
Local Small Business


James P. Friel


Tyler Shaule

...And INSTANTLY Unlock Over $7,748 Worth Of Marketing Secrets To Help You “Kick-Start” YOUR FIRST FUNNEL And Start Generating Leads (That Turn Into Sales) Practically Overnight!


I Want To Do Everything In My Power To Make Sure You Not Only Become A Die-Hard Lover Of ClickFunnels, But Also...

“Finally Build And Launch Your First Funnel In A Matter Of Days!”

And to make sure that happens, here’s everything else you’re going to get when you sign up today:




Your First Funnel Challenge

Figuring out how to “start” building your first funnel can be tough... especially if you’re unsure which “type” of funnel you should build.

your first funnel challenge daymond and russell holding box

Enter the Your First Funnel Challenge!

Give us just 90 minutes a day, and over the next 5 days... we’ll take you from step 1 to the final step of building your first funnel...

...without getting stuck, lost, or overwhelmed during the process!

Imagine how confident you’ll feel to be able to build your very first funnel alongside me (Russell Brunson) and other elite entrepreneurs... including special guest, the “People’s Shark,” Daymond John!

Here’s How It’ll Work:

When you sign up for your free 30-day trial of ClickFunnels today, you’ll be joining other like-minded entrepreneurs in a private Facebook group who are all starting at the same spot as you.

Then over the next 5 days, you’ll be given step-by-step guidance so you can build the funnel you want... and it only takes 90 minutes a day!

Here’s a sneak peek at what to expect when you join the Your First Funnel Challenge!


Funnel Hacking...

We’re not wasting any time! We kick off the 'Your First Funnel' Challenge by unveiling the different funnels working RIGHT NOW and helping you see which funnel is right for your unique offer!

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • Funnel Hacking 101! How to “ethically steal” from what’s working RIGHT NOW and how to use it for your own funnel
  • What funnel is right for your offer (and why it might not be what you’re thinking...)
  • Plus TONS of funnel examples! Including what’s working right now for finance, ecomm, coaching, info products, biz opp, and more!


Your First Funnel...

On day two, we’ll show you the first funnel EVERYONE should build, regardless of what industry you’re in. This is when we start plugging stuff into YOUR funnel, prepping it to go live!

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • The single greatest funnel that magnetically attracts customers to YOU without having to chase or spend a ton of money on ads
  • ​How to quickly construct irresistible “throat-grabbing” headlines that practically force customers to sit-up, pay attention, and buy
  • Email follow-ups! Discover the FIVE core emails EVERYONE must have (if you love sales), and how to easily write them in a single afternoon, even if you think you suck at writing!!


Hook, Story, Offer...

Want to know the real secret that BLEW UP ClickFunnels practically overnight...??

On day three, we’ll help you form the “backbone” of your funnel that allows customers to feel connected to you and your offer... so you can make more sales!

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • ​YOUR unique hook that no one else is doing and has the potential of reeling in the GOLDEN customers you want!
  • How to create YOUR story that resonates with your core audience... and how to “drip” this story across all of your marketing efforts for instant brand recognition!
  • Why most “BIG IDEAS” are not big enough, and how to position your offer based on the conversation your customers are already having inside of their heads!


Irresistible Ads!

Where are your “golden customers” hanging out and how can YOU get in front of them?

On day four, we’ll unveil the underground traffic secrets that can open the floodgates for more highly-qualified buyers RUSHING to your offer!

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • How to locate your “honeyhole” of golden customers who are LOOKING for your offer!
  • How to automatically bring in customers, clients, or patients like clockwork, WITHOUT blowing the bank on running low converting ads
  • How to easily create WINNING VIDEO ADS that crush on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok


Do It Now...!

On day five, we’re going to cross the finish line and get your idea launched with a funnel!

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • The mindset hack that helps break down limiting beliefs, so you can feel deep down that YES, you can do this!
  • ​How to “stack” your offer the RIGHT WAY that increases your average cart value and customer lifetime value at the same time
  • Daymond John’s Bootstrap story that’ll inspire you to think outside the box, try new things, and make sales YOUR way!

Plus A FREE Bonus Day!

That’s right... we are all about OVER-DELIVERING as much value as possible so you not only get your funnel up and live... but also begin to generate leads that turn into sales, which means more green in your bank account!


FREE Bonus Day Includes...

Learning From Today’s Most Successful Funnel Builders!

Dean Graziosi

Dean Graziosi is a multiple New York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, trainer, and infomercial legend! For over 25 years, Dean has dedicated his life to helping entrepreneurs create the life and freedom they crave.

Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone is a best-selling author of The 10X Rule and If You’re Not First, You’re Last, as well as a marketing trainer, entrepreneur, and real estate mogul. Grant will show you how to apply the 10X Rule to every part of your life so you can live a life of freedom, happiness, and wealth!

Jenna Kutcher

Jenna Kutcher is a small-town Minnesota author, podcaster, educator, and photographer with big dreams and the #1 Marketing Podcast in the country. Very into: syrupy pancakes, good emails, and carving out a life you don’t have to pretend to like. Avoiding small talk since 1988.

Russell Brunson

Hey, that’s me! Now that you have a funnel live, I (Russell) will show you the “One Funnel Away” process that can help take your funnel to the next level and potentially break through the 1 MM in sales and achieve a 2-Comma Club Award at Funnel Hacking LIVE!

Myron Golden

Myron Golden, Ph.D. is one of the most in-demand speakers and trainers in sales, marketing, and business development in the world— helping men and women get what they’re actually worth!

Travis Chambers

Founder of Chamber Media, Travis has worked with some of the biggest e-commerce brands in the world, including Tuft & Needle, Transparent Labs, Nerd Skincare, Mr. Cool, and more!

Travis will show you the 7 proven types of ads he and his team use for all of their brands... and how you can take these same strategies and apply them to your own business!



‘30 Days’ Book

(physical copy)

Once you have your “lead funnel,” you’ll then want to start building and launching other funnels to send your leads through!

That’s where my ‘30 Days’ Book comes in...


First off, this is not a digital version.

I want to make sure you can hold this 550 page hardback (weighing around 3 lbs)... 30 Days book in your hands!

That way you can dogear the pages, highlight areas that stand-out to you, and write notes in the margin... essentially making it your new “Online Business Bible” that’s within arm’s reach of where you work.

Inside, you’ll discover step-by-step “funnel blueprints” from 30 of my 2-Comma Club Winners (those that have generated over $1 Million+ with their ClickFunnels sales funnels)...

Showing you EXACTLY what to do from day 1 to day 30 to build a highly-successful, money-generating funnel... FROM SCRATCH!

How Freakin’ Cool Is That?!?


In other words, you’ll be able to follow their footsteps on what they would do to build a highly-profitable online business...

  • ​Without a product...
  • Without a list...
  • Without traffic...
  • Without an online presence...
  • ​And even without a single funnel.

Inside The 30 Days Book, You’ll Discover:

  • ​30 chapters with 30 actionable, practical plans​ you can follow and experience positive online results (and on a shoe-string budget, without getting lost, stuck, or “paralyzed” with tech-overwhelm...)
  • How to collect up to 30,000 leads for FREE using a dead-simple strategy that’s proven to work by one of the world’s leading ecomm experts, Trey Lewellen. (And the page he uses to collect those leads... takes about 5 minutes to make inside ClickFunnels. Found on page 7.)
  • How to build and launch a “t-shirt funnel” with only two pages (...and why you should be launching a t-shirt funnel, regardless of your niche, and why. This no-brainer strategy can become your new “hands-off” business that runs on auto-pilot... found on page 16.)
  • ​​Doing a high-ticket coaching offer and not sure what to sell? Then you’ll love pages 28 thru 30, where Liz Benny unveils her easy-to-follow method to discover the right products (physical and/or digital) that best serve your dream customers... without wasting time and money “testing” and figuring it out all on your own.
  • How to build an ecomm business from scratch using Instagram “micro-influencers” (it’s so easy, ecomm expert Alison J. Prince aka “2-Comma Momma” helped her 10 and 13 year-old do it)...
  • Her strategies work, even if you’ve never sold a cent online, and even if you have zero clue on how to attract “micro-influencers.” She opens up her treasure chest and shows you everything you need to know... from pages 71 to 84.

And that’s all within the first 100 pages!

  • ​You’ll learn all of that, and more, including... how to use Facebook live and chat bots to collect a HORDE of hot, new leads begging to give you money ​(page 119)...
  • How to “reverse engineer” your Facebook lives and transform them into LEAD-GENERATING ads with INSANE ROI... (page 120)...
  • How to create an irresistible free offer by choosing the one “sexy thing” that practically forces EVEN THE COLDEST of audiences to say “YES” to... (found on page 155)...
  • ​​The winning secrets to crushing a 7-day challenge launch that’ll stuff your pockets with moola, and it barely takes 2 weeks to do... (revealed on pages 173- 177)...
  • And how to sell a high-ticket webinar like a pro, even if you’re “camera shy” (pages 389 - 396).
  • How to turn e-books into gold and sell them for 10X the normal cost. (page 401)...
  • How to build a thriving coaching business using ONLY a ClickFunnels account and a go-to attitude, and have it work regardless of the “type” of business you’re in (shown on pages 437 to 455).

This is the BEST “behind-the-scenes” on what to do if you started from scratch, or you lost everything, and needed to start over.

I’ll be straight with you— you would be a silly-billy if you passed up on securing this book for free... considering that you literally can’t buy this physical book anywhere else... not even on Amazon or eBay.


That’s Not All...

As an extra “supplemental bonus” with the book, you’ll also receive “Behind The Scenes” Video Recordings from each of our 2-Comma Club Winners where they will walk you through, step-by-step, on exactly what they did to build, design, and launch their award-winning funnel!

It’s one thing for them to explain “what” they did to build their funnel... but to SEE it happen in front of you is absolutely game-changing.

This is a “behind-the-scenes,” VIP access you won’t find anywhere else!


It’s like making a recipe, but instead of just reading the directions in a book, you get to pause, play, and follow each step WHILE it’s happening— making it a simple, seamless process to building your first funnel!

And to top it all off, we’re going to GIVE YOU each award-winning funnel so all you have to do is plug in your stuff and launch right away!

Now, onto the next awesome thing I’m going to be sending you for free...

(I can already hear my team telling me I’m nuts for doing this, but I don’t care... I’m hopped up on pre-workout at 2 in the morning and not thinking straight ha ha ha...;)

MAIN BUNDLE YFF Jan23-min png

All You Have To Do Is Say “MAYBE”

And The Gift Is Yours…For FREE!

(Just Cover $29.95 For Printing, Shipping, & Handling)



‘Funnel Hacker Cookbook’

(physical copy)

Unreal... I shouldn’t be doing this, but again, I’ve lost my marbles.


Question: Have you ever attempted to make a fancy dinner from scratch without following a recipe?

I’m sure it’s possible, but the results... well... most likely gross, and not to mention you may end up using waaaaaaay too many dishes and spices that were not needed.

That’s kind of how it is with MOST online business models you see out there today.

People will build these websites that may “look” appealing... but once they send traffic to the page, they get zero sales and they wonder what the heck happened.

Enter the ‘Funnel Hacker Cookbook’!

This beautifully spiral-bound “cookbook” is a complete, step-by-step “blueprint” that will help you put together your first funnel inside of ClickFunnels... AND MORE!


In The ‘Funnel Hacker Cookbook,’ You’ll Discover:

  • ​The step-by-step ingredients (aka “sales page elements”) that every funnel needs to help boost conversions​— miss just one of these elements, and it could be like adding salt to a cookie recipe when it should have been sugar...
  • 22 of WINNING sales funnel recipes you can model for your own offer, and that way you’re not left with a bunch of ingredients, a messy kitchen... and zero customers.
  • The #1 “ingredient” that can make or break ANY sales funnel— matter of fact, if this ONE thing is missing, OR isn’t up-to-par, then it’s as if you just spent HOURS in the kitchen, slaving away at a delicious home cooked meal for the family... only to have it completely burnt and ruined.
  • ​​The 37 key sales funnel pages you can use for ANY type of funnel you’re wanting to build & launch, including pre-sale pages, survey pages, opt-in pages, pop-ups, “squeeze pages” upsells, downsells, webinar pages, and more! You want to know what page you SHOULD be using for your type of funnel...? Then you’ll love pages 41 thru 198.
  • And TONS more, including visual layouts of each of the 22 proven funnels, which makes it SO STINKIN’ easy (and super fun) to build, even a 10 year-old could do it!
  • Bonus: you’ll receive ALL THREE Funnel Hacker Cookbook recordings (where I’m dressed up like a chef)... and I show you how to “prep & cook” WINNING funnels to perfection... and you can follow along at home and make your very own (delicious) funnel with me!


Plug ‘n’ Play Sales Funnels

Not a web page designer or a copywriter...?

Not a problem.

Because we’re going to give you PROVEN winning sales funnel templates where all you have to do is the tiny .01% of dropping in your offer... your branding... flip the switch and watch LEADS COME POURING IN!



I’m Including

102+ Insane Done-For-You, Ready-To-Go Funnels,

So You Can Hit The Ground Running TODAY!

All of the pages inside these funnels have already been created and professionally designed for you by our in-house design team!

That means, you get the QUALITY of our world-class professional design team (some of the very BEST designers in our industry!), without having to:

  • ​Pay upwards of THOUSANDS of dollars for each funnel, or
  • Wait weeks or months for a funnel to be finished!

The moment you start your free trial to ClickFunnels, you’ll have instant access to an entire LIBRARY of funnels that are already done, and waiting for you to choose from!

All YOU need to do is plug in your own copy and branding.

In fact, you can choose pre-designed funnels to help you:

  • ​Generate Streams Of LEADS ​- Want leads? A big fat list? You can get it. Users have sucked prospects in like a Hoover...and the floodgates opened!
  • Turn Visitors Into BUYERS - Finally put an end to the hiccups and hangups at the checkout counter so your customers whip out their credit card and breeze through the buying process with a smile on their face.
  • Sell Your Book - Got a book? You’ve come to the right place with these FREE + Shipping Funnels. PLUS, you can make a killing on your bump offers and upsells.
  • Run A Webinar - Rock registrations and offer sales right out of the gate. And once you nail your presentation, create an “autowebinar” and let the funnel do the work selling for you.
  • Launch A Product - Ready for all your hard work to pay off? Then slip your content into these Product Launch funnels, email your JV partners, tap into your list, and turn on the selling faucet.
  • Sell A High-Ticket Product Or Service - Want to sell $5k, $10k, or $25k programs or services? The answer should be “I DO!” We made it EASY for you to bring your ideal Dream clients to your doorstep so you can close the sale
  • and Much More!


Headline Generator Software

Never written a headline or piece of sales copy in your entire life? (Pssst... MOST of our ClickFunnels users haven’t either... so you’re in good company...;)


Let’s be honest, nothing can feel more “daunting” than staring at the dreaded “blinking cursor” or an empty funnel... begging you to write SOMETHING.

What you need is to just get the creative juices flowing, and that’s where our Headline Generator Software comes into play!

This is the “done-for-you” system where you LITERALLY plug in basic things like your audience demographic... their pains and desires... press a button and BAM!

In seconds, our Headline Generator Software will pop out a LIST of winning, hot ‘n’ ready headlines you can then copy and paste right into your funnel without having to stress for one second what you should say.

Normally, paying a high-end copywriter just to give you a small handful of headlines to test could cost THOUSANDS of dollars...

But why bother paying a copywriter and wait forever... when you can do it yourself in seconds...and for FREE!



‘List Building Secrets’ Training

Want to build a HUGE list of your dream customers? Then you’ll love this training.


Having a list is the #1 “must have” if you want to build a thriving online business that continues to generate sales, regardless of whatever latest new app or social media platform is released.

In My ‘List Building Secrets’ Training, You’ll Learn:

  • ​My “wrong method” SPAM story that actually WORKED... ​and earned my first $70 online, which ​led me to the #1 secret that became the backbone of what ClickFunnels is today​ (and how this is possible for any type of business you’re in... seriously... ANY type of business...)
  • What you should be doing EVERY DAY at 4 PM if you have even just 1 person on your list(this takes less than 10 minutes to do... and the profits will compound month after month after month like clockwork!)
  • The BIGGEST mistake you could be making right now, especially if you already have a customer list (sooooooo many business owners made this same mistake during the whole pandemic shut-down in 2020 and it cost them dearly. But you can avoid this #1 profit-destroying mistake with what I reveal... it’s so easy you’ll be stunned.)
  • The secret to creating an IRRESISTIBLE “lead magnet” that attracts your DREAM CUSTOMERS onto your list... all of them begging to give you money for whatever it is you’re providing (and how this works even if you’ve NEVER created a single lead magnet in your entire life, and even if you don’t even know what a “lead magnet” is...)
  • ​The golden lead magnet “frameworks” you can model for your own offer​ and ​start generating leads in no time!​ (This is ESPECIALLY awesome if you’re the type of person that doesn’t care to do design and you just want to “plug ‘n’ play” with your own stuff, and then flip the switch for a flood of leads on-demand...)
  • How to “revive” a list of subscribers you haven’t spoken to in a long time (MOST people either don’t do this, or they mess it up terribly... we’ll show you the CORRECT way to have your subscribers come roaring back like old friends...)
  • And TONS more like how to develop KILLER HOOKS that “reel-in” your dream customers... my “green rhino” ad that brought in MILLIONS of dollars in sales and it took less than 1 minute to make... how to make VIRAL ads in seconds without “overthinking it”... and why Batman WILL ALWAYS be the leader when it comes to return on ad spend...

Again, like everything else on this page, if I were you, I would sign up JUST for this course alone.

Just by me giving you a little taste of what’s inside is making ME wanna sign up and I own the dang thing ha ha ha...;)

(If you’re done reading and want to sign up right now, then go ahead and hit that button below and let’s get started today!)

MAIN BUNDLE YFF Jan23-min png

All You Have To Do Is Say “MAYBE”

And The Gift Is Yours…For FREE!

(Just Cover $29.95 For Printing, Shipping, & Handling)

But That’s Not All!

My Team And I Want To Make This The Easiest, No-Brainer Decision Of Your Life... So You Can Sign Up Today And Start Building Your Sales Funnel Right Away!

Here Are The FREE Bonus Gifts You’ll Receive When You Sign Up For Your Free 30-Day Trial Of ClickFunnels Today:

Dan Kennedy's

“Herd Building” Training Seminar


This is one of Dan Kennedy’s finest training sessions where attendees paid $4,997 just to be in the room!

Right now on their website, this recording is currently being sold for $997 (a no-brainer deal once you witness the first 10 minutes of this seminar training), but today, and as a limited time bonus, it can be all yours... for FREE!

Here’s A Little Taste Of What’s Inside Dan Kennedy’s Herd Building Training:

  • ​How to leverage the #1 value factor to help strengthen your “herd” (aka “your list”) ​TODAY​ (and if you don’t do this, then the opposite could happen where your herd will steadily decrease its value day after day, ​until you’re stuck with a diseased, sickly, or dying herd that stop responding to the offers you put out...​ until eventually “business death.”)
  • The Dan Kennedy secrets to building a “personality-driven” business where your herd LOVES everything you put out... hangs on your every word... and will even print off your stuff and hang it on the wall as if you're part of the family! (How weird and wild it may sound, THIS is what separates a middling business doing “OK” sales... and a THRIVING , PROFITABLE BUSINESS that basically runs on auto-pilot and continues to put money in your pocket, regardless of economic climate.
  • Ryan Deiss’ 3 GOLDEN methods on how to build a MASSIVE, highly responsive email list FAST,without sucking your traffic budget dry... or resorting to spammy, scammy tactics... (plus, he’ll show you the best subject lines that practically force audiences to click, open, read, and then buy!)
  • ​And SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more!

...including the 7 MUST-HAVES if you want to run “Google-friendly” squeeze pages (which is normally TOUGH as heck, but not the way Ryan Deiss shows you)... how to get upwards of 31,779 subscribers using a single webinar... how to build the lucrative and sneaky “invisible opt-in” that works like gangbusters for VSLs.

Imagine... just one single golden nugget from this seminar has the potential to transform your online business overnight— and you get it all for FREE!

Exclusive ClickFunnels Funnel Hacker T-Shirt!

Exclusive ClickFunnels Funnel Hacker T-Shirt!

Did I mention you get a FREE t-shirt when you sign up today?! I mean, come on! Who doesn’t love a new t-shirt?

Just take a look at it.

It’s soft, it’s sexy as can be... and when you wear it, you’ll be joining the THOUSANDS of crazy awesome entrepreneurs who have the potential of changing the world and improving the lives of others.


So What The HECK You Waitin’ For?!?

All You Have To Say Is “MAYBE” And The Gift Is Yours...


MAIN BUNDLE YFF Jan23-min png
  • ​FREE 30-DAY ClickFunnels trial...................................................................... PRICELESS!
  • FREE ‘30 Days’ book (physical copy) + Recordings........................................ $397 value
  • FREE ‘Funnel Hacker Cookbook’ (physical copy)............................................ $896 value
  • FREE ‘5-Day’ LIVE Coaching........................................................................... $1,500 value
  • FREE '30 Days' “Behind The Scenes” Video Recordings................................. $997 value
  • ​​FREE Headline Generator Software................................................................. $365 value
  • FREE List Building Secrets Course................................................................... $499 value
  • BONUS: Dan Kennedy’s “Herd Building” Training......................................... $1,995 value
  • ​​BONUS: Funnel Hacker Cookbook Recordings............................................... $300 value
  • BONUS: 30 Day “Behind-The-Scenes” Recordings.......................................... $799 value
  • ​FREE 30-DAY ClickFunnels trial PRICELESS!
  • FREE ‘30 Days’ book (physical copy) + Recordings $397 value
  • FREE ‘Funnel Hacker Cookbook’ (physical copy) $896 value
  • FREE ‘5-Day’ LIVE Coaching $1,500 value
  • FREE '30 Days' “Behind The Scenes” Video Recordings $997 value
  • ​​FREE Headline Generator Software. $365 value
  • FREE List Building Secrets Course $499 value
  • BONUS: Dan Kennedy’s “Herd Building” Training $1,995 value
  • ​​BONUS: Funnel Hacker Cookbook Recordings $300 value
  • BONUS: 30 Day “Behind-The-Scenes” Recordings $799 value

Total Value: $7,748

Total Value: $7,748

Now, if you’re still here, then you’re probably wondering...

“OK Russell, What’s The Catch?”

Listen— I’m not hiding anything. I’m doing this insane offer as a bribe to get you to sign-up for a 30-day free trial of ClickFunnels.

Why would I do this?

For a few reasons actually...

Reason #1 — I know that when I get my team of world-class funnel builders and marketers to WORK DIRECTLY WITH YOU, I can almost guarantee you will see success building & launching your first funnel in a matter of days... I know you’ll become addicted to ClickFunnels and FALL IN LOVE with building and launching funnels. (Perhaps even stay up until 2 AM building funnels like I am just because you’re having so much fun!)

Reason #2—I know that once you start using ClickFunnels and begin to collect highly-qualified leads who are eager to buy what you’re sellin’, the more likely you are join my elite programs including my 2CCX and “Insider’s Circle” where you’ll be able to rub shoulders with the top 1% of online entrepreneurs. (And I would love to have you be part of this elite group of folks... you’d fit right in!)

Reason #3— One of the biggest reasons people never build and launch their first funnel is because they tend to get stuck in a darkness we call “analysis paralysis,” where they overthink things to the point where it’s nearly impossible to move forward.

And since I have countless other businesses and investments outside of teaching people how to earn a living online, I’m in a great position to give you the best marketing secrets for FREE... so even the greenest of online newbies can hit the ground running without worrying about breaking the bank!

Reason #4— I’m sick and tired of “fake gurus” that peddle lame, “flash-in-the-pan” online tactics that don’t last... and charge you A SMALL FORTUNE... and then bail on you, leaving you out to dry, with zero help or guidance. It’s not fair, and it really ticks me off. So to fight against those fakies swarming the Inter-webs, I want to OVER DELIVER and not charge you a single dime. ;)

Why Time Is Of The Essence...

This is a VERY limited time offer.

Like I said earlier, I’m only accepting a small handful of highly-motivated folks who are ready to “get in the game” and start building their first funnel.

But also...

1.)I have less than 1,000 physical copies of my ‘30 Days’ Book and my Funnel Hacker Cookbook... I can order more, but there’s a massive lag-time right now, including LONG shipping & printing wait times.

So if you don’t sign up today, and we sell out of our books, (which may be happening sooner than I realize...) then you may have to wait up to 6 months OR LONGER to receive physical copies of our books... :(

2.) Your chance to secure this incredible FREE GIFT... including a 30-day FREE trial WITH step-by-step coaching from my expert funnel builders and marketers that normally costs THOUSANDS of dollars... will be disappearing soon.

This goes without saying, but we are a very busy company with multiple projects and campaigns happening all at once. And because we have so much going on... I can’t afford to keep all of my coaches tied to one project for very long.

That means once we hit our “cap” of people signing up today, then we’ll be scrubbing this offer off the Internet, and for the foreseeable future....

So if you're here right now, and you want STEP-BY-STEP coaching on how to build and launch your first funnel... to start generating leads practically overnight... then NOW is the time to sign up and secure your free gift before it’s too late!

My Ludicrous Triple Guarantee


Guarantee #1:

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I 1,000% know you will love your incredible free gift, or I will return your shipping fees... and you can KEEP the gifts anyway.

That includes the 30-Days Book, Funnel Hacker Cookbook, and even the t-shirt!

That’s right. You don’t have to send anything back.

Just email or call the number on your receipt and we’ll return your investment with zero hassle and no hard feelings.

I know the likelihood of that happening is very VERY low.

But I still want to make myself crystal clear: there is NO risk to you.

So if you feel the value is just not up to snuff as promised on this page, then I’ll personally return your initial investment and we’ll STILL part as friends...;)


Guarantee #2:

30 Day Support For Success

We guarantee 30 day support from our dedicated ClickFunnels Success Team.

My team and I will hold your hand and make sure you never get lost or stuck while building and launching your first funnel.

You’ll be able to have VIP access to our team of marketing experts via email and receive a response within a 24 hour period.


Guarantee #3:

My Iron-Clad, 365-Day Guarantee

Build and launch as many funnels as you would like for a full 12 months.

And at the end of the 12 months, if you are still not 100% satisfied with the value we’re able to provide, and if you have not experienced an OUNCE of online success, then I’ll STILL return your initial investment.

Can you name another software company that would do that for you?

That just goes to show you how much we care about you achieving the online success you deserve. And we’ll make sure it happens, or again... we’ll give you back your initial shipping investment, every penny, and you can still keep the gifts on us.

Just Say “MAYBE”,

And This Gift Is Yours…For FREE!

That’s the beauty of this gift! You don’t even need to make a commitment and say “YES!” right now…

All you have to do is say “MAYBE”.

“Maybe I’ll give it a try…”

“Maybe I can do it!”

“Maybe I’m ready to grow my business and change my life…”

“Maybe building my first funnel is the answer I’ve been waiting for…”

Are you ready to say MAYBE, and receive your incredible GIFT?

With That Said,

Here’s What To Do Next...

From here, it’s just finalizing your shipping details so we can send out your FREE gift!

Go ahead and click or tap on the green button below now, choose your FREE funnel hacker t-shirt size, and we’ll get started!

Once you sign up, you’ll get immediate access to all of your digital gifts, as well as an invite to our private Facebook coaching group.

And remember— this is your time to make something happen!

It’s time for you to “get in the game” and build your first funnel!

I PROMISE You This...

Once you build and launch your first funnel, you’re going to feel like a rockstar.

I know how silly that may sound, but honestly, there’s just nothing like it...

I want you to experience what it’s like to build a thriving online business, and it all starts when YOU start.
See you in the training.

To your success,

Russell Brunson

MAIN BUNDLE YFF Jan23-min png
  • ​FREE 30-DAY ClickFunnels trial...................................................................... PRICELESS!
  • FREE ‘30 Days’ book (physical copy) + Recordings........................................ $397 value
  • FREE ‘Funnel Hacker Cookbook’ (physical copy)............................................ $896 value
  • FREE ‘5-Day’ LIVE Coaching.......................................................................... $1,500 value
  • FREE '30 Days' “Behind The Scenes” Video Recordings................................ $997 value
  • ​​FREE Headline Generator Software................................................................. $365 value
  • FREE List Building Secrets Course................................................................... $499 value
  • BONUS: Dan Kennedy’s “Herd Building” Training......................................... $1,995 value
  • ​​BONUS: Funnel Hacker Cookbook Recordings............................................... $300 value
  • BONUS: 30 Day “Behind-The-Scenes” Recordings.......................................... $799 value
  • ​FREE 30-DAY ClickFunnels trial PRICELESS!
  • FREE ‘30 Days’ book (physical copy) + Recordings $397 value
  • FREE ‘Funnel Hacker Cookbook’ (physical copy) $896 value
  • FREE ‘5-Day’ LIVE Coaching $1,500 value
  • FREE Plug ‘n’ Play, Winning Sales Funnels $997 value
  • ​​FREE Headline Generator Software. $365 value
  • FREE List Building Secrets Course $499 value
  • BONUS: Dan Kennedy’s “Herd Building” Training $1,995 value
  • ​​BONUS: Funnel Hacker Cookbook Recordings $300 value
  • BONUS: 30 Day “Behind-The-Scenes” Recordings $799 value

Total Value: $7,748

Total Value: $7,748

P.S. Remember, this offer is absolutely FREE and is designed to help you build and launch your very first funnel using ClickFunnels... even if you’ve never used ClickFunnels before... or you’ve tried us in the past and got “stuck.” This is FOR YOU! Just say “MAYBE”, and you’ll get the entire “Your First Funnel” gift for FREE!

P.P.S. Just to make it crystal clear... you won’t be left empty-handed. For a full 5 days, my team of online coaches will hold your hand every step of the way to help you build and launch your first funnel, so you’ll never get lost, confused, make costly mistakes, or become stuck with “analysis paralysis”...

Plus, to MAKE SURE you achieve success in as little time as possible, including A FLOOD of highly-qualified leads that will become hardcore fans and customers... I’m going to give you over $7,748 worth of ‘marketing secrets’ absolutely FREE!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How Does The Free Trial Work?

A: Let us work with you step-by-step to help build and launch your first funnel without paying me a dime. No gimmicks. No funny business. At the end of your 30-day free trial, once you agree ClickFunnels is the key to building a thriving online business, then you don’t have to do a thing, and we’ll automatically enroll you into our monthly ClickFunnels subscription of just $297/mo. Cancel anytime without any hassle.

Q: When will I receive my free gift with my books?

A: When you sign up today for the 30-day free trial of ClickFunnels, you’ll receive instant access to all of the free digital downloads on the order confirmation page. For the physical books, including the 500+ page '30 Days Book,’ and the ‘Funnel Hacker Cookbook,’ please allow 4 to 6 weeks for them to arrive.

Q: Is All Of This Value Really FREE?! What's the catch?

A: Yes, it's true! There’s no catch. When you say "maybe" today, you can secure up to $7,748 of ‘marketing secrets,’ including step-by-step guidance to help you build your first funnel and start collecting highly-qualified leads ready to buy from you!

All we ask is that you cover the one-time small payment of just $29.95 for printing, shipping, & handling. Like I said earlier, you'll be receiving a "hefty" welcome package that includes my ‘30-Days Book’ and my ‘Funnel Hacker Cookbook’ which are physical copies that together weigh close to 10 lbs.

This isn't some collection of lame PDFs you can download... I love receiving packages and I prefer physical books over PDFs ALWAYS.

Keep in mind, with the small, one-time $29.95 shipping fee you'll immediately unlock almost $9K in ‘marketing secrets’ that will help you build, launch, and start collecting leads in as little as 24 hours. This makes the initial $29.95 printing & shipping fee seem insignificant, especially when you’ll be able to make that money back (and more) in a matter of days, if not hours, of going live with your new funnel!

Q: Who Is This For?

A: This is for folks that have not built and launched a sales funnel using ClickFunnels. This is for entrepreneurs that would like step-by-step guidance on building their first funnel so they don’t get stuck, lost, or overwhelmed.

Q: What If I'm Not Satisfied With My Subscription?

A: This is highly unlikely. However, with that said, if you don't find your ClickFunnels subscription useful, including the $7,748 worth of ‘marketing secrets’ given to you for free today... then you can cancel anytime and we'll part as friends. ;)

We'd hate for you to sign up for a ClickFunnels account and it just sits there empty. So, if you are part of the small percentage of people that don't find ClickFunnels useful, then you can cancel anytime and we won't hold it against you.

Q: Do You Have A Guarantee?

A: We don't have a guarantee... we have THREE! That's right. We are guaranteeing your order 3X so you can know for certainty this is the RIGHT move to make, today!

We guarantee a 30-day 100% refund, which means you can test drive us for a full 30 days risk free, and if you don't like us, then you can simply email me and we'll refund your initial investment, and you can keep the free gifts on me. ;)

We guarantee your success! Once you sign up, you'll have complete support from our team of marketing & funnel building experts who are there to help answer questions you may have.

We also have a rare 365-day guarantee... which says if you do not experience positive business results using ClickFunnels for a full calendar year, then I'll still refund your initial investment.

MAIN BUNDLE YFF Jan23-min png

All You Have To Do Is Say “MAYBE”

And The Gift Is Yours…For FREE!

(Just Cover $29.95 For Printing, Shipping, & Handling)


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